Abstaining from Unwholesomeness # 2
means: being ashamed of unwholesomeness. Even if others don’t see what we are doing, but we bear still witness to our own unwholesome deeds it will cause us to be discontent
Mice died because of poisoned food
The question from an audience: "I put poisoned food around my house. The mice ate it and died. Did I break the first precept? I never forced those mice to eat that food anyway." What do you think? Read the answer by Phrabhavanaviriyakhun, the vice abbot of Dhammakaya Temple.
Dhammachai Day – Victory Announcement Day
Dhammachai Day is another important day for the Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh's disciples. Why is it important? Click to read Luang Phaw's profile and his highest aspiration!
Cherishing our Parents # 1
“A full-grown tree that has been cared for with the right amount of water and fertilizer can bloom and give fruit to its owner
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Nineteen :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness.
The Kalyanamitra School
A school that is a kalyanamitra School can be a school of any levels, whether it be primary, secondary
Overview : Introduction
After the Enlightenment which transformed Siddhatthe Gotama into the Lord Buddha beneath the Bodhi tree on the banks of the River Neranjara
Creating the virtuous society for which the world awaits The kind of Society the World Awaits
In this chapter we will not only meet the word’ Good Friend’ [kalyanamitra] in addition to the ‘True Friend’
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Dhamma Practice (5)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Sixteen :- Dhamma Practice.
6. The Relationship between Spiritual Mentor & Devotee
The sixth and final important factor influencing social development is the quality of the relationship between clergy and their congregations