Six star columbarium
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness (5)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Nineteen :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness.
The Biography of the Lord Buddha ; e-book available
The Biography of the Lord Buddha
Graduated from Engineering, but almost went to Hell
Another witness of the ordination merit. What does a monk who was an engineer want to tell you about ordination?
Once in my life - From Howard McCrary
Howard McCrary, the famous American singer, unveiled his feeling as a Buddhist monk at Dhammakaya Temple in Thailand.
The Middle Way Meditation Retreat would like to invite you to join our seven-day meditation retreat, conducted almost every month at “Suan Pa Himmawan” Retreat Center, near the Phu Ruea National Park in the Northeastern province of Loei, Thailand.
ขอเชิญร่วมบุญเป็นเจ้าภาพพิมพ์หนังสือธรรมะในวาระวันคล้ายวันเกิด หลวงพ่อทัตตชีโว
ขอเชิญร่วมบุญเป็นเจ้าภาพพิมพ์หนังสือธรรมะในวาระวันคล้ายวันเกิด หลวงพ่อทัตตชีโว เพื่อมอบเป็นของขวัญแก่คณะศิษย์ ในวาระอันเป็นมงคลนี้
Thailand donates Golden Buddha Statue
Business these days is comprised of competing by means of pricing, trading-in, presenting a gift and offering something as a giveaway in order to beat the competitors. Is it considered exploiting the opposite sides?
Business these days is comprised of competing by means of pricing, trading-in, presenting a gift and offering something as a giveaway in order to beat the competitors. In doing so, is it considered exploiting the opposite sides?